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Regular Day Care: Hrs: 7:00am – 6:00pm (M-F) Ages 0-5

Pre School Program: 

Our Pre School Program is designed for early learn-

ing to take place. Our belief is the more a child is 

exposed to learning the easier it will be when the child 

enters kindergarten. Preperation for the child at an

early age leads to successful academics when it comes to there future years of school attendance.Experiencing preschool life here at Special Touch our chi


Before an after Care is provided to children who attend outside schools. Transportation is available (Children who attend other schools)


Extended Morning  Hrs: 5:30am – 7:00am

Evening ( Swing Shift) and Night Care


Weekend Program Week-End Day Hrs: 7:00am – 8:00pm

Week-End Night Hrs: 12:01am – 7:00am










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